Window Contractors
Increase Your Cash Flow
With Less Effort
Increase Your Cash Flow
With Less Effort
The Best CRM Tailored for Window Contractors

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?

As a window contractor, you're no stranger to the huge amount of effort needed to coordinate all the tasks in your daily operations.

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Unquoted Opportunities?

Have you lost jobs simply because they fell through the cracks, overlooked in the day-to-day hustle?

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Paying Fees Twice?

Have you found yourself paying building permit fees twice because they expired without anyone in the office realizing it?

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Missing Crucial Deadlines?

Is your team missing important deadlines because of miscommunication or lack of task coordination, resulting in costly delays and customer dissatisfaction?

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Forgetting to Release an Order?

Have your staff forgotten to release a product order at the factory because you have too many jobs to monitor?

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Staff Overwhelmed by Paperwork?

Is your team drowning in paperwork, spending more time managing documents than performing revenue-generating tasks?

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Struggling with Inventory Management?

Are you finding it hard to keep track of your inventory, leading to unnecessary purchases or a lack of essential materials just when you need them the most?

You're not alone.
Many contractors face similar challenges.
and, here's the good news.

There Is A Solution


Windows bpmPro

The Groundbreaking Software Designed for Contractors Just Like You

From efficient CRM and precise quoting to seamless product order management, job accounting, permitting data handling, and building inspection tracking, bpmPro covers it all.

An image showing the configure price quoting application and all the devices on which it works.

Run Your Window Contracting Business Smoothly with bpmPro CRM

bpmPro is a CRM with powerful business process capabilities that will give you the complete control of your business operations that you have been looking for. It's a comprehensive tool tailored for the specific needs of the construction industry.
Not Just Software, But a Strategic Partner
bpmPro is a strategic partner in your success. With your subscription, you gain access to ongoing support dedicated to your business's growth. You're not left to navigate the complexities of the  contracting business alone; we’re here to guide you, sharing industry best practices, answering your questions, and providing continuous training.
More Than a Tool – It's Your Business Catalyst
bpmPro comes with a service dedicated to helping you stay on course and constantly improve. This isn't just about streamlining operations, it's about empowering your business to reach its full potential.
A Unified CRM Solution for All Your Operations
bpmPro keeps all your data, business knowledge, and processes are organized in one place. Think of it as your all-in-one digital toolbox. So you can say goodbye to endless spreadsheets, physical folders, post-it notes, and scattered files. Instead of having important details spread across different office desks, everything you need is at your fingertips, in one single, easy-to-use platform accessible from a PC, tablet or mobile device.
CRM-Powered Efficiency and Profitability
bpmPro not only enhances operational efficiency, but also substantially improves your profitability. Uncover the potential to achieve more with less effort and capitalize on opportunities that might have been previously overlooked.
Automate Repetitive Tasks
bpmPro enables you to transform your operations by automating routine tasks, such as sending notifications to both clients and internal staff regarding product order ETAs. This automation not only boosts productivity but also frees up your team to focus on strategic decision-making and enhancing customer satisfaction. With these mundane tasks handled automatically, your team can do more of what they do best.
Task Delegation and Tracking Made Easy
bpmPro allows managers to easily delegate tasks to their team members. These tasks will appear as to-do items for staff members, with automatic reminders ensuring nothing is forgotten or missed. Everything is tracked and documented, providing managers with critical insights into project progress and history at a glance.
CRM for Enhanced Business Visibility
bpmPro keeps you in command of your business with real-time visibility into your entire operation. Make informed decisions and respond swiftly to changes with comprehensive, up-to-the-minute insights at your fingertips.
A CRM by Industry Veterans for Contractors
bpmPro isn't just another CRM; it's designed by construction industry veterans who understand your challenges. It's tailored, keeping in mind the unique pain points of the construction business.
Explore Features

Ready to Improve your Cash Flow and Operations?

Begin by Calculating Your Current Losses

Our proprietary Cash Flow Calculator, a unique and free tool from xTriam, paints a clear picture of your operational performance, and highlights areas of improvement.

A brief screen recorder demonstration on how to use xTriam's cash flow calculator.Calculate Cash Flow

Book A Demo

Experience the Power of xTriam's bpmPro Window Contractor

Schedule a demo via Google Meet or a in-person meeting within South Florida, with a industry veteran who understands your pain points firsthand.

Witness bpmPro in action and learn how xTriam can streamline your operations, reduce your stress, and boost your cash flow.

Listen to bpmPro Window Contractor Users

Customer Testimonials

Boost Staff Performance

Mohammad Aljamal, President of Hurricane Window and Screen

Mohammad faced challenges in managing business operations as the company grew.

bpmPro boosted Hurricane Window and Screen's performance and slashed administrative time by 80%.

Learn More

Streamline Operations

Michele Diaz, President of Palm Aluminum & Glass

Michele dedicated five to six years to finding the right software to assist them with their window business operations.

bpmPro has empowered Palm Aluminum & Glass to streamline their entire operations with a highly user-friendly interface.